
Wiz khalifa cd 2014
Wiz khalifa cd 2014

wiz khalifa cd 2014 wiz khalifa cd 2014

"True Colors" with Nicki Minaj is pop-rap polish plus an anthem for those who like to see their friends go green with envy, and if Wiz's "y'all don't deserve me" attitude means he'll soon quit the game, he's not going to retire without leaving some worth-proving bangers. Wiz got his slice, then settled down and checked out as "Just bought a real home/Me and my watch: real stone" leads to stories of smoking pounds back at the crib, while elsewhere, "Hope" opens with Hendrix-styled guitars and the sounds of a strip club VIP room turning into the set of Caligula while the hook goes "Hope you got thousands in your pocket/Cuz she ain't lookin' for love." It's doled out like a mantra, since this is the album where getting stoned comes with some paranoia, or at least, some distrust.

wiz khalifa cd 2014

It almost has a key track, too, since the midtempo "Still Down" finds Wiz doing an inventory and listing all his million-dollar blessings with some appreciation, while some venom is thrown at those irresponsible fall-behinds (he calls them "pussy ass" you-know-whaters). Stoned immaculate with a self-professed monthly weed bill of ten-thousand dollars, Wiz Khalifa isn't the type of rapper to make clear-headed, well-defined albums, but his fifth studio effort gets back to serious, sullen business often enough that it almost has a theme.

Wiz khalifa cd 2014